When Steven Sinofsky made the announcement about the Windows 8 Release Preview coming out early in June, there was something most of us missed.
The Windows logo in the bottom right corner of his slide.
This raises some questions about the branding of Windows 8 and Windows going forward.
My random thoughts:
- It was an error
- It reflects the new generic Metrofied branding for Windows going forward not Windows 8 specifically
- It reflects new thinking about the Windows 8 logo
Not really sure but it is puzzling since it's appeared on a Windows 8 slide during a Windows 8 presentation in a year Windows 8 is scheduled for release.
I would have assume the new, oogly (yes I said oogly) Window would have appeared in that slot.
Maybe it's just me?
My readers have informed me that it was just an error. Apparently, .
OK, we can put the rifles down now...
Thanks to NazmusLabs and Jan (comments below).
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