Well folks, we have a confirmed date.
Steven Sinofsky has announced that the Windows 8 Release Preview (yes that is the name) will come in the first week of June 2012.
He made the initial announcement during an on-stage appearance at Japan's Windows 8 Dev Days.
He also announced this more generally on the .
This is the stage of software development that comes right after the beta or in the case of Windows 8, the Windows 8 consumer Preview. The Windows 8 Beta or Windows 8 Consumer Preview was released on February 29th of 2012.
Based on the meticulous march toward the finish line, we can expect 2 things.
- The Windows 8 Release Preview will be the final release before production.
- Windows 8 will be released to the general public this year (either September or October).
Exciting times are ahead folks.
Stay tuned for much more.
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