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Intel demo their Hybrid Tablet laptop

New Windows 8 Video – Intel demo Hybrid Tablet Ultrabook at Intel Developer Forum

Intel has posted a video showing highlights from the Intel Developer Forum 2012 held in Beijing, China last week. In that video, they show a demo of a device that... Read more »


SoldierKnowsBest does a review of Windows 8 Consumer Preview

I came across this video on YouTube today that you should check out. It's a detailed review of the Windows 8 Consumer Preview by the Video Blogger called SoldierKnowsBest. A... Read more »

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New Windows 8 analysis video from Computerworld

A couple of new videos that i thought you guys might find interesting. IT World Canada IT manager Mat Panchalingam gives his preliminary impressons of Microsoft's new operating system. He... Read more »

Windows 8 fan video - what we like about Windows 8

New Windows 8 Fan video – What we like about Windows 8

Interesting new video from a Windows 8 fan that came in to the site. This one is from reader Alfonso Alatorre. This video shows what he likes about Windows 8. What we... Read more »


Competition – Tell us why you’re excited about Windows 8 and win a Samsung Series 7 Slate!

So there's obviously been a lot of discussion on the web about Windows 8. We've heard that a lot of people love what they have seen so far with both... Read more »

Windows 8 User

Funny Windows 8 Video – A civilian is thrown into Windows 8

A new video showing an underwhelmed civilian looking at Windows 8 for the first time highlights the risk that Microsoft is taking as it makes the shift to Windows 8. The... Read more »

ATT Samsung

Bizarre Video: AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note running Windows 8

For some reason this video creeps me out. I found this video online of some guy who had put Windows 8 on a 5.3 inch Samsung Galaxy Note. He used... Read more »

Microsoft First Apps Contest Winners

Official Microsoft Video – Meet the winners of the First Apps contest

A new official Microsoft Video. This one features Steven Sinofsky - President of the Windows division. In this video you get to meet some of the winners of the First... Read more »

Windows 8 Product demo

Official Microsoft Video – Windows 8 Product Demo

Another official Windows 8 Video from Microsoft. This one's from Jensen Harris the Director of Program Management from the Windows User Experience team. He gives a demo of the Windows 8... Read more »

Meet Windows 8

Official Microsoft Windows 8 Video – Meet Windows 8

New Official Microsoft video that introduces the Windows 8 Consumer Preview to the world. These were released yesterday shortly after the product launch. Join the forum discussion on this post... Read more »

Windows 8 side by side comparison

Windows 8 Video – Comparison Desktop vs Tablet

Yet another verge video. This time they compare both usage points of the Windows 8 Consumer Preview. Touch vs a Keyboard. Join the forum discussion on this post Enjoyed the... Read more »