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  • Steve

    Oh yeah, big difference here.. so let me get this straight. I can have a multicolored logo here that won't necessarily match my color scheme or I can go with a similar logo that is one color, changes to fit me and just happens to be the official one? This isn't what I was expecting after you slammed Microsoft's logo. I thought there would be something different, but instead these logos reinforce some of Microsoft's logic in my mind.

  • Jwarn

    I think logos 2 and 4 are the best. Maybe not exactly the most creative like logo 3 and a lot of the others are but they look clean and simple.

    Compare windows 7 logo to logo 4. The windows 7 logo is attractive but simple. Logo 4 is the same and the diagonal square type of logo sort of seems metro like.

    I sure wish I still had those pictures I created with paint on windows 7 on my ideas for windows 8. (back when windows 7 first came out)
    I have a feeling you would think they were pretty good. I'll try and do a remake of it and post you a link showing it.
    One of my ideas was a bigger and more touchscreen friendly start menu and they done exactly that.

    • http://www.windows7update.com Onuora Amobi

      You send me the link, I'll post it.

  • jfbetel

    Don't like any of them,too blah!! About a month ago or so you had some themes on here for Windows 8 and I saved them. They have much more textyre to them. If you could find those, I bet a lot of people would choose one of them instead of these bland ones!!

    • Mike-holden

      I agree. These are all too bland. Surely the great minds out there can come up with something better.

  • Willie

    !0 for me.
    But-------- leave the word Windows off!

  • http://www.inflowinventory.com/ Matt Kostanecki

    Thanks for mentioning our little contest! It's much appreciated :) This one, by far, is my favourite (Where else do you get to see Bill Gates in a stained glass window?)

    • http://www.inflowinventory.com/ Matt Kostanecki

      Whoops, here's the link: http://99designs.com/logo-design/contests/redesign-microsoft-windows-logo-fun-guaranteed-contest-archon-122050/entries/77

      • http://www.windows7update.com Onuora Amobi

        That one's awesome!

        Thanks to all you guys for making this happen. There were a lot of really great logos!

  • Kazutoshi hirose

    just feel so,,...like ..#10 logo i like it ...

  • Lee Geraghty

    Nope, I can't say any of those are worth a vote. In this day and age of 3D, I feel the new logo should jump out at you, those are all flat, lifeless and uninspired, just like the logo Microsoft has put forward, all blue and depressing.

  • John Carl Vino

    5 and 10 :)

  • Indra Nawawi Daeng Parani

    Dear Onuora,
    That's more like it "Just for fun," and to tell the truth I'm really much disapointed why Windows logo have to change. I've been using Windows since the first time Windows logo was born, and this puzzled me why four colors? What if, Windows has 7 beautiful colors that was printed in the logo, that will show the perfect completeness of all the genuine beautiful colors that we have. Now I've been using Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 all in a waving flag logo and it delight me even they had modified the logo. What made the logo change? Is it borring, Metro has driven Windows to be different, or revolution took place in the logo design to defeat the vicious circle of the computers formula into a new dimention? All the logo pick by you did not show any waving flag at all and it makes me sad not to take part in the poll this time. Thank you. 

  • Maheshbansode51

    no logo is impressive

    • Steve

      Agree, I was kinda disappointed. Over these I personally think Microsoft's idea of using one that is similar but all the same color that changes to match us makes more sense. Not saying that is how you feel, but that is what I got out of it.

  • http://twitter.com/ballofhair ball of hair

    I'm sorry but all of you guys are wrong, logo 4 is the best.  This is no longer a matter of opinion, but, fact.

    • http://www.windows7update.com Onuora Amobi

      I love that. Just a fact.

      • xinu

        logo 4 for me also

  • Be-G-Em

    You should have gone to 'Specsavers'

  • Jeetuyadav

    1 for me 

  • rp01river

    I would take the slant window and replace it in the one with the most votes!

  • InfinitySquared

    I can't stop CRINGING!!! The guys from the verge and opticshape were the only ones who provided viable alternatives. 

  • Dan Dar3

    What, no I-don't-really-care choice?! :-)

  • CodeBlaze

    None of it.We need a logo that got windows blue colour and and thw 'windows' should be in a metro style.Probably the 13th one with more texture and blue colour.

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