Will the Windows 8 Consumer Preview also have a US launch?

Windows 8 Launch in Barcelona

Windows 8 Launch in Barcelona

As most of you know, the Windows 8 Beta/Windows 8 Consumer Preview is scheduled for a global release sometime toward the end of this month.

There has been rampant speculation that it will be released at the Windows 8 Consumer Preview event being held in Barcelona on the 29th of February.

From TheNextWeb:

This just in: we have received an invite to an event in Barcelona, Spain, on the 29th of February, which Microsoft is calling its “Windows Consumer Preview event.” We assume that at this event the Consumer Preview will be demoed, and released to the general public.

Windows 8 Consumer Preview

Windows 8 Consumer Preview

I guess it just strikes me as a little odd that Microsoft chose Barcelona as the site of the launch.

Yes I know that the Mobile World Congress is being held in Barcelona during the same period but it still strikes me as a little odd for such a MAJOR event to be held far away from the US.

It makes you wonder about whether this reflects a more global approach to product launches or a diminished view of the importance of the US as a business territory.

Or both.

The web is going to go bananas when the software is available and I am just surprised that we are only 13 days away and no (simultaneous) US launch event has been scheduled.


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Tags: Barcelona, United States, Windows 8, Windows 8 Consmer Preview

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  • Me

    Hmmmm Barcelona ..... can this country take nuch more out of the U.S. and put it in another country

  • Razz_blue13

    Why Consumer Preview it's look like an limited version Why they add the word "Preview"? 
    They must have the title like Windows 8 Professional,Home Premium,Ultimate or they must add "Edition" Like Ultimate Edition lol .

  • Atanu Ghose

    Well it is an international launch. Why do you expect it to be US specific? And if it is an international launch, why do you presuppose that it wont be launched in the US? Is the US not part of "international"? Is this an attempt to fill up your site with useless and mindless text. Of late I have noticed that you only put out links to other posts rather than saying something original. Everything you put out is available on Google News or MSN. Don't send stuff out unless you have something original to say. I am really dissapointed with this site.