
Monthly Archives: March 2011

Windows 8 Neon Wallpaper

New Windows 8 M3 wallpapers

More Windows 8 M3 wallpaper for you guys.. A lot of wallpapers are coming fast and furious... Enjoyed the article? Then sign up for our FREE Windows 8 Newsletter or... Read more »


Speaks for itself – Microsoft’s CTO

Interesting quotes from Microsoft's CTO in Microsoft's chief technical officer and strategic leader Craig Mundie told an audience in Australia that he's not sure if tablets are here to... Read more »


New Windows 8 M3 wallpaper

Thanks to Steve Chapman and his anonymous source. If you would like to use this as your wallpaper, click on the image for the full graphic and then right click... Read more »

New Windows 8 system restore or history vault screenshots Part 3

It starts to run and do it's thing.. The prompt for keeping user accounts and personal files... Note, it's called System Restore here.. It starts the restore process.. More about... Read more »

New Windows 8 system restore or history vault screenshots Part 2

This is the "Show or hide the Windows Features" dialog box. Dialog box you can see two major changes: First, the title bar fonts larger, maximize, minimize, close button larger;... Read more »


New Windows 8 system restore or history vault screenshots Part 1

So, some screenshots of the system restore function or History Vault function of Windows 8. The standard check for a legit system key You can actually select a video for... Read more »


Windows 8 release date – too early, too late or just right?

So, there's a new blog post by Mary Jo Foley called "Windows 8: Beta collectors waiting with bated breath for a leak". It basically talks about the fact that we... Read more »

More Chrome OS news. Speculation is rampant that Chrome is coming real soon.. The following is from Tom's Guide: The latest rumored launch date pins Q2 2011 as the prime...

New Windows 8 Install Screenshots – Part 3

This is the third part of a multi part series of new Windows 8 screenshots Part 1 is here Part 2 is here In the last post, the install had... Read more »

New Windows 8 Install Screenshots – Part 2

This is part 2 of the new Windows 8 installation screenshots posts. You can find part 1 here. OK, after putting, your key in, its EULA time (End User License... Read more »