
Monthly Archives: February 2011

The beat goes on – Another Windows 8 wishlist

Interesting post over at ZDnet today. Adrian Kingsley-Hughes is asking for feedback on Windows 8. The post is titled " What would you like to see in Windows 8?" Here... Read more »


Microsoft and Windows 8: An interview with Stephen Chapman

Recently, I read a very comprehensive blog post on ZDNET by Stephen Chapman that cleverly laid out some elements of Windows 8 and Office 15 he had found on the... Read more »


New bubble interface for Windows 8?

The video above is A concept shown by Craig Mundie, Microsoft's chief research and strategy officer. It shows a new "bubble" interface that Microsoft has been working on that is interesting.... Read more »

Tooo funny, Hacking doing security testing…

I think Stephen may have missed this one. So get this, a guy named Chris Hacking is doing security testing for Windows 8 - no lie.. Chris Hacking Security tester... Read more »

Windows 8 Wide Area network (WAN) optimization

This is cool as well. Seems Microsoft will also be focusing on optimizing Windows 8 networks for WANs: * Windows 8 Remote Desktop transport improvements for WAN scenarios - Own... Read more »

Windows 8 latest build, build 7949

Today a user called Canouna has just tweeted, stating that the latest build compiled is Build 7949. This build is also a part of Milestone 2 Escrow category and the complete... Read more »

Windows 8 Development: Strong authentication

From Stephen Chapman's post: I work at the Modern User Authenticator team for Windows 8 at Microsoft. My work is focused at strong authentication including: smart cards, cryptographic providers, key... Read more »

Windows 8 Development: More Kinect and Windows 8 integration news

One of my faves is here.. Xbox LIVE File System for Xbox Kinect: designed and shipped a distributed storage system built on Windows Azure for customer data collection world-wide, resulting... Read more »

Windows 8 IME

Another cool tip PM owner of differentiator features for Win8 CHS IME What the heck is an IME? An IME (Input Method Editor)is a program that allows computer users to... Read more »

Windows 8 Server Manager – extensible roles

This one is cool too. Created prototype around role extensibility which is used as a proof of concept for the Win8 version of Server Manager. I guess we will be looking... Read more »

Windows 8 development: Even more confirmation of cloud integration

Another juicy Windows 8 nugget. This one seems to confirm the speculation that Cloud Computing will be part of Windows 8. Lead cross-product design efforts for Microsoft’s “cloud” services on... Read more »