
Monthly Archives: November 2011

Azure Social Games

Windows Video – Building social games for Windows 8 with Windows Azure

Another video from Microsoft. Building a great social gaming experience for your users can be a challenging task. Your game has to be well designed, have a great user interface... Read more »

Azure Scalability

Windows Video – Building scalable web applications with Windows Azure

Another Windows Azure video. Learn how to harness the power of both the modern browser and the cloud to build a lightning fast Web app. Microsoft go in depth into... Read more »

Windows 8 xbox 360

Windows Video – Building Xbox LIVE games for Windows 8

New Windows 8 video from Microsoft. Xbox LIVE, Microsoft's premier entertainment service, is coming to Windows 8. Whether you are developing a game or another kind of entertainment app for... Read more »

xbox 360 Kinect profitability

Poll – Should Microsoft spin off their Windows Gaming division?

There's a fantastic article on by Dana Blankenhorn. He makes the point that Microsoft stock "will always be weighed-down by the volume, and outlook, of Microsoft Windows. The business... Read more »

Samsung CPU exynos 5250

Samsung unveils new chip – Exynos 5250

It's very possible that Samsung will take a long hard look at building ARM tablets and notebooks with its own Exynos processors. It just released the new Exynos 5250. The... Read more »

How to proceed

What Does Microsoft Need To Do In Order To Succeed With Its Tablets?

Entering into the tablet market isn't an easy affair. Tablets haven't been a craze for very long and yet they have already had at least one casualty and at least... Read more »

Windows 8 tablet

Do Tablets Threaten The Big-Screen TV?

While going through my normal morning ritual of hitting Google Reader in search of interesting tech news for the various writing projects I am work on, one article in particular... Read more »

Do consumers pay attention to operating systems?

Do Consumers Really Care About Tablet Operating Systems?

So far, this week has been a tough one for Microsoft's Windows 8 team. Forrester released their report that fewer consumers want a Windows 8 tablet when one does finally... Read more »

Intel Windows 8 New

Intel looking forward to Windows 8

From ZDNet. Intel CEO Paul Otellini seems to be extremely excited about Microsoft's upcoming Operating System. So excited in fact that he said Windows 8 is “one of the best things... Read more »

HP Windows8 Tablet CES 2012

HP to allegedly launch a Windows 8 Tablet at CES 2012

I'll be at CES 2012 in Vegas to get the first hand announcements about Windows 8 from Mr. Ballmer but it seems that there might be much more to cover... Read more »