
Monthly Archives: July 2010


Windows 8: Boot your machine near-instantly

Microsoft seems to be putting a premium on improving the start times in Windows 8. A March 2010 Windows Planning Survey polled 545 customers about 21 user activities, and found... Read more »


Windows 8: Kill a virus, but keep your personal data

Viruses, unfortunately, often force users to restore their machines to the factory settings, a painful process that involves loss of applications and personal data. Microsoft, however, is working on a... Read more »

Windows 8: Watch HD movies on your wireless TV

Windows 8 will integrate with a variety of technologies to let users pick out TV shows and movies and stream them to any screen. Turn on your laptop, find a... Read more »

Windows 8 to have better ipad like screens?

Microsoft is telling partners it will outdo Apple by building a better touch screen for slate PCs. Windows 8 will also support accelerometers and location-awareness for gaming and other functions,... Read more »


My guess at a Windows 8 release date

So more information has come out regarding Windows 8. There are three main points of interest that came from Mary Jo Foleys update today.. Based on new speculation: Ourghanlian described... Read more »

As you may know, recently some Microsoft documents were leaked that showed some of the very preliminary development discussions for Windows 8. Some of the things discussed were facial recognition...