
Monthly Archives: October 2010


PCPro’s list of requested Windows 8 improvements – Maintain first-boot performance

PCPro the UK website just put out a fantastic list of their suggestions for improvements that Microsoft could make for Windows 8. Here are some of the ones I agree... Read more »

Windows 8 2012

Windows 8 will come out in 2013/2014 not 2012

So everyone is going on now about Windows 8 coming out in 2012 so I thought I would throw my hat into the ring. While I understand that a Microsoft... Read more »


Who does Steve Ballmer work for?

I'll confess, sometimes Steve Ballmer depresses me. I just out and out fail to understand some of the things he says publicly about the products his company works so hard... Read more »


PCPro’s list of requested Windows 8 improvements – Virtualization

PCPro the UK website just put out a fantastic list of their suggestions for improvements that Microsoft could make for Windows 8. Here are some of the ones I agree... Read more »

Computer Backup.gif

PCPro’s list of requested Windows 8 improvements – Transparent backup

PCPro the UK website just put out a fantastic list of their suggestions for improvements that Microsoft could make for Windows 8. Here are some of the ones I agree... Read more »


PCPro’s list of requested Windows 8 improvements – Blu-Ray upgrade for media center

PCPro the UK website just put out a fantastic list of their suggestions for improvements that Microsoft could make for Windows 8. Here are the ones I agree with: Blu-Ray... Read more »


PCPro’s list of requested Windows 8 improvements – Early warning system

PCPro the UK website just put out a fantastic list of their suggestions for improvements that Microsoft could make for Windows 8. Here are the ones I agree with: Early... Read more »


PCPro’s list of requested Windows 8 improvements – Network Awareness

PCPro the UK website just put out a fantastic list of their suggestions for improvements that Microsoft could make for Windows 8. Here are the ones I agree with: Network... Read more »

What “business value” should Windows 8 add?

All the talk about Windows 8 has been cool but there has been one component of the discussion that has not received a lot of attention. What business value will... Read more »


Ballmer states that Windows 8 will be slate ready

Ballmer spoke at the UK Tech Days on Tuesday and revealed that Microsoft will be introducing some touch optimizations for Windows 7 with partners in the coming year. "We're not... Read more »


Secret innovative network security feature coming to Windows 8

According to a recent Microsoft job listing, it seems that they are looking for people to join a development team. This team would be responsible for building a secret new... Read more »