Windows 8 Questions Knowledgebase

Windows 8 Knowledge Center

Windows 8 Knowledge Center

Welcome to the Windows 8 Questions Knowledgebase.

What is the Windows 8 Questions Knowledgebase?

The Windows 8 questions Knowledgebase simply connects you with other site readers who are knowledgeable about  Windows 8. It's an opportunity for you to ask and answer questions about Microsoft's newest Operating System.

When you want to know more about Windows 8 or you have a particularly difficult question, the Windows 8 Questions Knowledgebase delivers you answers and content from people who share your interests and people who have first-hand knowledge.

If you have an account already you can head straight to the Windows 8 Knowledgebase.

Windows 8 Questions Knowledge Center 1

Windows 8 Questions Knowledge Center 1

How Does it Work?

Users need to register in order to be able to ask Questions. The same goes for those users willing to participate in providing an Answer.

You can use your Facebook or Twitter account to sign up or you can also set up a manual profile.

Sign up with Facebook or Twitter

Sign up with Facebook or Twitter

Once registered, each user has an access to his or her own profile page. That's the page from which each user can change their password and their corresponding information.

Each registered user may save any Question to it's own Favorites list (and remove it at any time).Regular site visitors may subscribe to any user Questions by RSS - if they like.

There are 6 main tabs.

  1. Home
  2. Open Questions
  3. Top Users
  4. Popular
  5. About
  6. Contact


This is the homepage where you can see a list of all questions that have been asked. They are ordered from the most recent questions.

Open Questions

These are questions that have been asked but have no answer so far.

Top Users

These are the users who have answered the most Windows 8 related questions.


These are the most popular Windows 8 related questions based on the number of answers given.


The about Page


The Contact Page.

Head on over and sign up to ask your Windows 8 related questions.

The best part is that it's all free!


Head to the Windows 8 Knowledgebase.

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