faq_red_smallThe Windows 8 FAQ has been created to provide visitors with information about the Windows 8 operating system.

The Windows 8 FAQ will be updated continuously as new facts and features emerge.

Since Windows 7 was released on the 22nd of October 2009, Microsoft is already turning it's attention to it’s replacement Windows 8 which will is expected in 2012/13.

Windows 8 Update is dedicated to bringing you all the latest news, rumours, screenshots about the next release of Windows, and is the sister site to Windows 7 Update, the most comprehensive news source for Windows 7.

Why is the next Microsoft operating system expected to be called Windows 8?

Microsoft has changed its approach to naming operating systems (e.g XP, Vista) and is using an internal numbering system and the next Windows operating system, Windows 7, is the 7th release.  Hence the replacement for Windows 7 is expected to be called Windows 8.

When will Windows 8 be released?

Microsoft normally release a new OS every 3 years, so Windows 8 should be launched in 20011/12, approximately 3 years after Windows 7.

Are there beta or release candidate versions of Windows 8 that can be downloaded for testing purposes?

You can bet that Windows 8 early builds will be spotted on torrents soon.

Will Windows 8 support 128 bit?

That's the rumor right now. Windows 8 is rumored to support 32, 64 and 128 bit systems.

What are some of the features Windows 8 will have?

  • Distributed File System Replication (DFSR) service:
    A multi-master replication engine set up for folder synchronization across multiple servers. This may be something we will be seeing in Windows 8 Server.
  • Major improvements in BranchCache:
    BranchCache was a new feature developed in Windows 7. Basically when data from an intranet website or file server is accessed, it caches those files locally so the next user can access them more quickly. Major improvements can be expected for BranchCache.

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