I think Microsoft is going in the RIGHT direction with Windows 8

I think Microsoft is going in the RIGHT direction with Windows 8

I think Microsoft is going in the RIGHT direction with Windows 8

This page is not about me. God knows you've all heard what I have to say.

I'm trying to do something a little different. Read this post for more details.

This is about you, the reader.

I think it would be cool to have a thoughtful, objective discussion about the things you like about Windows 8 from what you know so far.

I need the comments to be substantive and thoughtful. Think about what you like and what you're excited about and simply say why.

Pretend that the folks at Microsoft are reading this (which they probably will), what would you like them to know that they have done right?

You can also say what you think they got wrong here.

Thanks for your time.

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Tags: analysis, Survey, User Opinion, user perception, Windows 8

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  • Dmoore2002

    I love windows 8 but 95 of old applications  don't work with windows 8 because  they keep crashing or people don't write the new code for windows 8.

  • http://disqus.com/samirsshah समीर शाह

    Forget x86 desktops and notebooks. tablets, tablets, tablets. I can not emphasize that enough.

  • PH

    I have used Windows 8 Consumer Preview since it was released and I have been very impressed. It is fast and used less resources, which is why I prefer using Windows 8 to access the internet verses Windows 7 ( which is installed on my other PC ). For a pre-release it is very stable.

    The Metro features I love. Launching a Metro program is fast and easy. I love the fact that Microsoft made available the downloaded version Visual Studio11 Express to design Metro style apps. I also love the fact that Windows 8 can be used with a mouse and a touch screen.

  • techblogger

    I have two seperate hard drives. One I run Windows 7 and the other specifically for Win8. I can't get away from Win8. It takes a few days to dismiss some of what you know of Windows 7 but when you do, the awesome begins. I don't even miss the start orb anymore. You truly don't need it. One thing for sure, I must have the tablet for this. Metro screams touch.

  • ObjectedMadness

    The good:
    - ALOT faster than Windows 7
    - Same requirements as Windows 7
    - Really easy to upgrade from an older version of Windows (Its alot more simple you just put - in the disk with your old Windows already booted and you can upgrade from there)
    - Metro design like Windows Phone works like a treat
    - IE10 Metro is the fastest EVER Internet Explorer i've ever seen in my life! Faster than every other browser! (Especially Chrome)
    - IE10 Desktop is really close to being the same speed as IE10 Metro
    - Microsoft Office starts up at least twice the speed as it did on Windows 7
    - Proper security (I tried downloading some viruses on purpose I knew about on Windows 8 so i could test it out and it detected them all and automaticclly removed them with the built-in virus protection)
    - Metro snap feature works well
    - The scrolling feature on a touchscreen works perfectly.

    The bad:
    - Metro can use up alot of RAM if you have over 10 Metro apps open. But for most people this isn't a problem
    - Doesn't work with all the driver so far. Although I'm not surpirzed becuase its still in beta session
    - The scrolling feature on Mouse isn't that great.

  • luis

    i love w8

  • http://voleheart-skytex.blogspot.com/ Zeke

    I think Metro is beautiful and I am a 7th grader going into 8th. I first wanted a Arm pc since it would have a long battery life and low cost but I need the Windows 7 side of Windows 8 also. So I will compromise and go with Windows 8 regular hoping that the x64/x86 chips by intel and amd will be cheaper

  • Don Mckenzie

    Comments have been made about having 2 versions of Windows 8: one for desk/laptop users and one for tablet users, so there would be a reason for the desk/laptop users to upgrade to Win8 even if they didn't like Metro. If MS did that with Win8 "Home?" and Win8 "Pro?"(or whatever they name them), that would be 4 versions. 
    Keep it simple!  Stay with the 2 versions, but have some options at the installation and/or the boot-up stages to set(semi permanently) the type of installation the user wants; Desk-top(start button/start menu and all) or Metro. That way everybody gets the their own best choices without having to navigate to Desktop, if that is their choice, every time they boot up. And they could change their mind any time, without having to buy or unlock the other choice. Everybody wins, including MS, as now all purchasers are covered when they upgrade and it gives desktop and laptop owners some positive reasons to upgrade without the negatives of being forced into a Metro boot-up. Maybe by Win9 time, Metro may be more established and touch screens may be main stream. Then the desktop users might be more receptive to Metro and MS could go more Metro gui. 

  • Ramblinflebro

    I am dual booting Win 8 and Win 7. I think Win 7 is the greatest OS Microsoft has come up with, so far. I do really like Win 8, especially the really fast boot. There is somewhat of a learning curve, but this makes 8 so much fun. What's all this ruckus about a start button some of these computer geeks are complaining about? I got past that in no time at all. I am glad Microsoft has made such a change. My only question, will I be able to have DVD playback with third party apps? I never used WMP anyway. If I have to pay extra to have DVD playback will really suck. That is really the only negative I see. I love Metro and everything about 8. But, I can never get rid of my laptop with 7.

  • Armand Robert

    I have been using windows 8 since the evaluation copy build 8250 came out and I am very satisfied with it, because I was using windows 7 and problems like not being able to put the computer to sleep and blue screens that would restart the computer OK, but was happening too often. It is possible it was because I was using registry cleaners that were too aggressive, meaning deleting too many files. I do not use these programs with windows 8 and have no more trouble as explained. I find windows 8 very stable. Keep up the good work!