Blacknight hosting company is offering Windows Server 8 Test Drives

Windows Server 8 Blacknight Hosting

Windows Server 8 Blacknight Hosting

Irish registrar and hosting company Blacknight are offering developers an opportunity to access a custom build of Microsoft's upcoming server release - Windows Server “8”.

Blacknight, have made it possible to use the Windows Server “8” Beta on their cloud hosting system.

They will be offering a limited number of developers access to Server “8” to "test drive" it and play with its new features.

Long time Microsoft partners, Blacknight have Microsoft staff on their team. Access for developers testing Windows Server “8” on the Blacknight platform will be free.

Blacknight rep Michele Neylon states, “As a company, we pride ourselves on pushing the envelope in terms of opportunities we can provide for our customers. Our technical team has put together a custom build of Microsoft's upcoming server release - Windows Server 8 and are very pleased to offer this opportunity to developers free of charge.”

Visit for more information on “test-driving” the Windows Server “8” Beta.

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Tags: Blacknight, Hosting, server, Windows 8, Windows Server 8

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