Sprint cautious about Windows Phone adoption

skeptical about Windows Phone

skeptical about Windows Phone

Interesting snippet from Engadget that describes Sprint's allged attitude toward the Windows Phone platform.

That includes Sprint, which does currently have a Windows Phone in its lineup (and is apparently considering more in the "August-September time period"), but remains decidedly unenthusiastic about the platform as a whole.

As PCMag reports, Sprint's David Owens said that the carrier is willing to train its reps on Windows Phone, but that Microsoft has to "build the enthusiasm for the product," adding that the "number-one reason the product was returned was the user experience."

Sprint's director of product development, Lois Fagan, further added that the carrier remains "cautiously optimistic," but that Windows Phone "just hasn't taken off."

I've seen the Windows Phone Lumia at T-Mobile and it looks really good and usable. We'll have to see how the public responds to it.

The big X factor in my opinion is going to be the release of the Apple Iphone 5.

If the Iphone 5 is as much of a leap from the Iphone 4 as the Iphone 4 was from the 3, Microsoft are in big trouble.

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Tags: cautious, Sprint, Windows Phone, Windows Phone 7.5

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  • myvryn

    It's kinda hard for Sprint customers to get excited about a Window 7/8 phone when the only windows phone they offer is pretty behind the times.

  • Roger

    I bought my two kids one Nokia Lumia 710 each and they love them. Before, they were the proud owners of an iPhone 3G and 3GS. So, I don't know what this guys is talking about or on what planet he lives? WP7 just works and works great.