Windows 8 Beta coming in January 2012 – what do you want?

Windows 8 beta

Windows 8 beta

Windows 8 Beta is very strongly rumored to be arriving in January of 2012, possibly at or around the CES show.

You all should have had a chance to play around with the Windows 8 Developer Preview  and should have a rough feel for Windows 8.

If you read this blog, you should also have had an opportunity to check out the Windows 8 development blog from Microsoft. They have been very good about spelling out the rationale behind some of the changes that are coming in Windows 8.

When you put all this information together, I am curious to find out the following:

What do you think about the Windows 8 Development Preview?

What would you want to see in the Windows 8 Beta?

Please use the comment form below for your responses. I am really interested to see what you guys (and girls) think...

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Tags: CES, January 2012, Survey, Windows 8 beta

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  • Massimiliano Uguccioni

    Just like all Metro Application, which are too "tablet" style totally useless on PC

  • BigPecan

    Better Security would be my number on issue. I like the look so far but,  I would like to get my hands on it to give real feedback,

  • Pepejoy

    Auto regeneracion del sistema cuando algun archivo corrompe el registro o la carpeta de windows

  • Michael Thomas Stram


    I use the start menu on a daily basis. Im not a 14 year old who needs metro UI to facebook my friends that I am bored in math class...

    Angry , yes..but still excited about windows 8? Yes. =)

    • Rug Ratz

      Or at least leave a "classic mode" to allow those of us to stay with something we like and recognize ... change too much and people won't upgrade.  If they can selectively change some areas, even better ... keep some classic looks and add new functionality in selective areas.

      • Onuora Amobi

        Start menu seems near and dear to all...

  • Michael Thomas Stram

    remote control from a windows phone. something im working on with some programs in mind...

  • Pingback: Your feedback about what you want to see in Windows 8 Beta |

  • Martin H

    Will this new Operational System  be more friendly and less agressive with hungry recurses. Everytime MS gets out a new version requires more and more recurses, more HD, more Ram, and more CPU power. Will be the same in this case?

  • Clar Harding

    I would like the ability to print music files easily.

  • Renard Gervais

    Mr. Onuora Amobi, As a follow-up to my earlier post and having since given the developer issue of Windows 8 a quick test run, I'd like to add that whereas '8' is certainly an improvement over '7', the built-in reliance on the 'cloud' leaves me thinking or begging the simple question - "how many subscriptions will the average consumer wish to pay for?". It seems the small chip by chip at any person's finances will eventually topple that same consumer. By the time all the various e-services ranging from anti-virus, data backup and storage, office and media software and more are debited to the consumer's bank/credit accounts - eventually the whole scheme will fall apart as people realize that the sum of the parts is far greater than the whole. Or... it was much more economical to just buy a working suite of software, do the business of keeping tabs on one's own data via their own efforts with their own hardware - sans the risks of a a major server shut-down or malicious attack - will stand them in a greater stead.

    In addition, as the rise of good and free open-source; if not freeware offerings, of software readily available it would be more attractive if Microsoft would just include suites of software in the issues of the various proposed versions of '8' as parts of the packages. Consider the economic times all are now living in. A good bargain from the outset can't help but yield a more satisfied and plentiful public acceptance and potential purchaser base.

  • Mansonfraek

    I love metro because I have a tablet PC its the BEST but I do hate that everything is suspended and not truly exited unless i use task manager and I think a real start menu would be nice

  • John Carl Vino

    Mr. Onuora, Does windows 8 is good for gaming???, cause when i try to install my games in the developer preview, my games are not working properly. like "DOTA"

  • Patel Sonal

    I do not like current look and feel of Windows 8 it should be glossy and  artistict as better than as android tablets or ipad.
    The voice recognization feature and the same OS can run on destop / laptops and mobiles such that interoperatibility and desktop sharing will be easier.

  • Onuora Amobi

    It's a Developer Preview. It's not ready for you to install working software on.

  • Onuora Amobi

    We'll see how much it costs and how the transition to full day to day cloud computing works.

  • Onuora Amobi


  • Onuora Amobi

    Could you be more specific?

  • Hjk1234hps

    Windows 8 just works fine for my acer tablet. A lot smoother in the touch sreen than w7. Best irovement though: the screen keyboard (cloned from apple), but a lot better than the w7 one. Booting an power management seem a lot better as well. Now running 8 hours on a battery.

    I don't see yet, what the new metro user  interface adds. I miss the old start menu very much.


  • Joseph Mullen

    Using both windows 7 and windows 8 side by side identical computers.Hands down windows 8 is the best overall computing experience Microsoft has ever produced.  The networking and file system performance is enough to switch.Me I'am not a Microsoft fan, I'am developer using Ubuntu and windows inside virtual box when necessary.  Don't like the new windows start panel/start button or what ever you want to call it.  It needs a lot of work.

  • Klára Keresztes

    Please apologize, but I could not install the program, professionals and I can not pay. Due to my illness ten months all my money on treatments and drugs to spend. The program is really like, so painful to me that I do not know English, the translation is incomprehensible. I'm sorry that I can not express an opinion, just my passion, I send my respect for the artists. Please continue to inform, at least in the Hungarian language program is displayed. Sincerely welcomes: Claire Cross

  • Asad_abbas009

    plese send me windo 8 beta dvd

  • Tkp

    I want to be able to set specific power-options for for all HD:s individually.
    So that you can, for example set the system-disk to always be on and your Documents HD can hibernate and all other HD:s can sleep.
    As it is now all HD:s is always on, because if you want to open a document on a HD that is asleep all HD:s has to start before the document opens.
    And that takes to long.

    • Jase

      Think this Idea is really good idea. Shame same would not be able to do the same with partitions.
      But I guess that would be impossible as on same hd.

      How I have my hd is one for system, one for music, one for video, one for downloads, one for desktop and one for documents. Hopefully this will help reduce fragmentation as stuff like video and music is not always going to be accessed so they will get nowhere near as fragmented as system, but they would if were on same partition.

      • Tkp

        yes, and not only would such possibility to control the power-settings, reduce power consumption it could also reduce heat generation, reduce noise and prolong the lifespan of the Computer-parts.
        and the amount of power saved globally must be enormous, could even render a green label or MS :)  

  • Senmish Heart_55

    I have nothing to say exept I say thank you for all your kind .

  • KonanYao

    Well i am quite satisfied of the developper preview but i expect some significant improvements with the beta version.
    I expect:
    1) Virtual desktops, especially if desktop is an application i don't see why there can't be several instances of the desktops running at the same time. Another solution would be if the desktop and the taskbar work like Windows Phone hubs, enabling to have the desktop split in several virtual desktops.
    2) A much more pleasant to watch start screen and Tiles. Seriously the start screen is just ugly and the Tiles are currently too unappealing. Moreover it would be great if both were very customisable. I don't see why there should be only twice size for a Tile.
    3) Unless in quite a few cases (Hub like applications), it is not optimal to have a Metro apps being on full screen mode on a rather big screen (24", Full HD for example), thus it should be possible to have up to 9 metro apps, at the same time onf the screen.
    4) It would be interesting to have the Metro equivalent of tool such as the task manager, because on a slate it would be rather annoying to go in desktop mode just to access the task manager or advanced settings.
    5) Easier way to shut down the O.S.

  • Punk_ass_gary

    Well i'm using windows 8 DP 64 bit and i think the metro UI "start menu" is great , keep in mind people its a "DEVELOPER PREVIEW" once apps are made for it and the store is open the start menu will be fun for all of u people trust me... i've been fallowing up on windows 8 since the beginning... Now i find windows 8 loads up faster its snappy its stable it works VERY good and i'm not a windows fan either but iam now!@google-c1d75f12319616b2c0171a5038ed512a:disqus ! i use linux alot but NOT impress with it now!!! if u people know what i mean...... what do i want to see in the "BETA" i want to see the New windows live feature that was shown in the demos this is the main reason i downloaded Windows 8 in the first place, but they didn't have it in there OH well not gonna fucking cry about it... anyhow i want the new media center and media player i want to see all the nice goodies that windows always have but all a update of it all.. u know what i mean a new windows os meaning new update to all their software... but the start menu is awesome i love it ... i think its a great way.. going desktop to mobile u have both flavours why people crying about this.. i think its very PRODUCTIVE... and i think windows 8 is doing a great job.. oi keep up the good work i'm very impressed.


  • Punk_ass_gary

    I like the lock screen i like the start menu ... the only thing is i want to change the background not just the colours i wish u can have some metro background that fits u the PC user u know make it comfy for ur needs.  I want flash in ie 10 lol i notice i didnt have any flash for the new ie explorer not like i care for ie explorer im more of a chrome browser user :) but yeah that would be cool.. i want the new windows live in it .. i want a nice media player that says FUCK U to itunes and winamp something amazing for music and light on ur memory like winamp ;) be nice to have something built in with the metro for the media player im sure thats an idea they have in mind... i want HD play back and all supported codecs in media player so that people can fuck off VLC .. if microsoft want people to use their software well make is light weight and very productive for the people.. make more software free to the public... show that apple computers are stupid to charge them for all their software show that microsoft have more balls and not to be so greedy...  oh yeah all the feature in the ui on the start button should have more settings more stuff u can play with .. make windows 8 more fun and not boring like mac os x lion i think that shit is retarded and old school.. microsoft is known for one thing its orginal and im not just saying that... linux and mac are both x windows system and very unix like very old school OS style... windows have always been pc style and always been orginal maybe not back then but i find since windows 7 microsoft really shaped up alot.. i use to always put MS down and use linux and show it off like its so fucking cooler than windows ... well before they had Vista which we all know that OS suck balls right... but since windows 7 i've been using windows alot and gaming just got alot better on windows good job i don't do console and will never support it.. im a windows gamer and i find games work good on windows 8 but some don't .. please fix that... oh maybe have some more themes not like changing the colours like actual GUI themes different looks and stuff and maybe have themeing for the metro ui hey its an idea.. but the Security in the BIOS efi boot up good job snappy fast boot up time very impressive i must say.. windows 8 even works great on low end computers such as Netbook i tried it out on my acer book and works alot better than windows 7... windows 8 is new from the ground up and i see that i see that they got their anti virus builtin VERY nice i think windows 8 are doing alot of great stuff and a big computer user like me is smiling because of their style and taste.. microsoft got taste i know all u mac fans / linux fans gonna say windows this and that.. but honestly a computer user can't lie that windows 8 works fast its stable even the pre beta is working amazing i have it as my main desktop i never had any problems and my desktop is a 4 year computer i build myself a simple asus mother board a amd 64 x2 4600+ with 8 gb of ram nvidia graphic no BSOD nothing everything working out of the box fine and dandy i was impress even i had some problems at first with windows 7 when it first came out with drivers and got some BSOD and it was the RTM build to... so i am impress that i had no problems at all with windows 8 DP 64bit ... works good i mean they can go with a RTM now if they wanted to.. thats how well i think its stable.. thats my personal experience some may have problems i dont know but with me its working good..  i just want the RTM out and buy this new os because i love it... nice job i wonder what will be next from microsoft... cheers ms crew u people are doing a very good job... 


  • tsz fung li

    I want to have a better Metro
    Put most of the option in to the setting (metro style)
    enable mouse wheel control in all metro apps (sometimes i have to use the scrolling bar at the bottom)
    Better Metro home screen, i now i have to use search all the time

  • Walter

    Hello, I think that Windows 8 looks good but I have run into a problem with the Windows help, mainly I have an internet connection problem that can't be resolved by Windows because it kicks out as quick as you start to search. Internet connection works only for Windows Update but not for all others, why is this?
    As far as the rest if you don't have to use Windows Support you are OK.
    Mine you, I have an old computer and I have no issues with Windows 7 and any other before it as far as Windows Support and getting online, can someone guide me in the right direction or maybe the download was corrupted for a 32 bit computer which is what I downloaded. Of course I had to remove it from my computer which was a shame considering that I liked it.
    I have tested you last 2 Windows, Windows Vista which was OK but it was a resource hog and then Windows 7 which I had on my computer for 8 months with no problems what so ever.

  • Tcrowdey

    Please bring back the nice and simple start menu of WIN7

  • PatTheGeek

    Wow. I now have the equivalant of an I-Phone on my desktop. What an original idea for a new OS.

    Give me back my start menu and look for some original ideas.

  • SC-MICH Fan

    Just want my true start menu. Metro is not for me. On install, I hope they will allow some choosing of interface. Start menu works for laptops and desktops for me. Metro is great for my phone and tablet(if I had one)

  • Alroy Ndhlovu

    Metro should stay, its an awesome change. It really makes it feel good, but it would be nice if it were customizable. Some people will probably like the old start menu! Metro app should be more useful not the current boring ones. And we are looking for Windows 8 not 7 so there must be some major changes!

  • executive gifts

    I'm sorry but I'm just not seeing this one. I don't like Apple and I don't like this. Sometimes you can over complicate things by over simplifying them, this seems like the case. They should have built off of XP and never made Vista. Sigh... oh well better get used to it now.