Write a guest post for windows8update.com
Do you have a lot of opinions about Windows 8 and feel the need to share them with the public?
Well, now you have your chance - we are finally opening up Windows8update.com for guest posting.
This is one of the most popular, comprehensive blogs about Windows 8 and your guest post will be seen by hundreds of thousands of people a year - No pressure.
I'll try and proactively answer some of the questions you may have up front.
Can anybody write a post?
Yep. If you’ve got a refreshing, controversial, informed, entertaining report or take on something, we want you to share it.
How long should it be? What format?
Posts are typically 600 – 1200 words, although we’re okay with less or more if it feels right. You need to keep it conversational and fun to read. No prizes for vocabulary or verbosity. Please include a relevant and eye-catching image or photo (or set of photos, if applicable).
Posts should be absolutely free of typos and include all desired hyperlinks. Remember: it’s/its, their/they’re/there,Ralph Van Williams/Ralph Waldo Emerson.
When and how will it be posted?
After you submit, your post will undergo a substantial editorial review ( 24 hours of making sure the content is legit, of interest to our readers, seeing when it best fits in our editorial calendar, etc.).
If it’s approved, you’ll get an email when it goes live. Please be patient – we’re really really busy.
If it’s a time-sensitive post, you can contact our editorial team at guestpost (at) windows8update (dot) com.
Who should I contact if I have questions, edits, or issues?
guestpost (at) windows8update (dot) com.
I’m ready. What do I do?
Send your submission to guestpost (at) windows8update (dot) com.
So go ahead, send us your guest posts. We'd love to share your feedback with the Windows 8 Community.